Enter Attendance Details



Current Attendance


Classes Required


Class Left


Can Miss

What is the Attendance Percentage Calculator?

The attendance percentage calculator is a valuable tool for students in school or college. This attendance percentage calculator can calculate your present and absences, and it is also able to tell you how to maintain your attendance.

Suppose your total classes are 100, and you have attended a total of 25 classes, and it is compulsory that you need to have about 75% attendance in your academics. Otherwise, you will be unable to sit for the examinations.

This attendance present calculator can help you calculate how many more classes you have to attend so that you can have around or more than 75% or any desired percentage attendance required to meet the needs in academics.

Why Is This Type Of Calculator Needed?

In school and college, attendance is a significant issue for the students. Many things come up during academic time, like exams, functions, birthday parties, and many other things, which make you take leaves or bunk the classes, making your attendance fall short.

Also, sometimes, it becomes challenging to calculate them as so many classes, studies, exams, and other things on campus consume all the essential time. So, to address the issue, we have introduced the EasyCaclify Calculator. This attendance percentage calculator can solve these types of attendance problems that you face in your schools or colleges.

How To Use The Easycaclify Calculator?

Our Easycaclify Calculator works on a formula that allows you to choose the percentage of attendance you need to pursue your studies, such as 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, or 85%.

After that, you must provide the total number of classes and indicate how many courses you have attended till that point in the year. This is all you need to do.

Now, the EasyCalcify calculator can do its job efficiently. It will give you the number of classes you must attend to achieve your attendance goal quickly.

How Does Our Easycaclify Calculator Work?

The calculation method of the Easycaclify Calculator is simple and easy. The formula to calculate the attendance percentage is mentioned below so that you can understand how it works.

Attendance Percentage=(Total Classes/Attended Classes.)×100

This formula calculates the percentage and then provides you with the results.

Who Can Use This Attendance Calculator?

Whether you are a standard school or college student or an employee in the company, the higher authority will always need to calculate your percentage.

This is an essential step in figuring out your performance so they can analyze it. So, to calculate the percentage of your presents in the classes or the office, they can use our Easycaclify Calculator. This calculator can help you make the calculations.